“What would I do without my Strength and Conditioning Coach! Luke has opened my eyes to a new world of training, conditioning and mental strength. No longer do I walk into the gym and do my usual repetitive sessions, I walk into the gym with my athlete hat on, ready to work and learn. Not only has be taught me how to correctly lift weights but he has dramatically improved my bodies biomechanics. Hindered with a back injury I never thought Id pick up heavy weights again, but much to my surprise with Luke’s help and guidance I am now stronger than ever and can perform movements I never imagined were possible. My body is aligned and I’m running far more efficiently. His knowledge of the body, his attentiveness to detail and his enthusiasm throughout our sessions has seen my results skyrocket this year, winning my first Open Australian Gold & I couldn’t have done it without him.
My strength, power, speed and acceleration have all gone to another level whilst under the watchful eye of my amazing coach. If you truly want a S&C coach to help get you the results you want in your sport he is the man to go to. My mentor, nutrition adviser & my inspiration! Luke Boy, you’ve changed the way I feel, look and perform. I am forever grateful.”
May 2015